If you have ever been a victim of violence, or know someone who has, you know that they frequently blame themselves. Their lives are forever colored with the thoughts of being a victim and struggling to overcome that image.
You are not alone! You can stop being a victim! You can begin the healing process and take control of your lives now!
Watch, and listen to victims and also professional people in the community talk about their personal experiences with this problem, and learn how you can overcome it.
We have drawn together victims of Family Violence, also professional people such as, a County Coroner, victim advocates, etc, that either have personal or close vicarious experience with the problems and disastrous results of violence. These people speak at “Victim Impact Panel” presentations to live audiences of people involved with Domestic Violence. Each of these panel members tells their own personal story of their sufferings and how they overcame them.
For a sample of what the Coroner has to say, click here.
For a sample of what Gwen has to say, click here.
This panel experience is now available on DVD. One hour and forty minutes of pure emotions, tears, some graphic images, and solutions, stories, experiences, ideas, suggestions, and insights… all that will help you and/or your friends begin the healing process, and help you find a new and better life.
This is a powerful emotional experience... it changes lives! If you have ever been a victim… or know someone who has, please, do yourself (and/or a friend) a favor and order this DVD now!
"A Course Correction for Life"