
One of the best resources for survivors of domestic abuse are other survivors... you are not alone in this world! Don't allow your abuser a victory by forcing you to keep the toxic poison trapped inside, thus destroying your life. If you will communicate with other survivors about your experiences, and listen to their stories -- then you will finally be able to find peace and live a much happier life. For more information about how to share your story, please click here...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Comments from Perpetrators of Domestic Violence

1. Pain comes in many ways and I have given a lot to my wife, and I regret it. -Michael
2. I feel like this DVD helps a lot. I have a baby and that phone call on the introduction of the movie gave me chills all over my body and the picture of the baby that got beaten up and killed. Just made me realize a lot of stuff. –Blanca
3. I feel touched and moved by the stories that the speakers have told and I appreciate their time. I also feel that this has helped me in my situation, and has helped me think, calm down, and just talk. –Damian
4. I feel touched. I know my actions were wrong. From being a victim myself, I can not believe I harmed another person. –Billie Sue
5. Me pareció muy bien porque aprendí que en vez de llevar violencia a la casa es major llevar amor y confianza para la familia. –Efrain

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